Indigenous knowledge, stewardship, cultural vibrancy, and language are just a few ways in which our societies are so deeply enriched by First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people across Canada. National Indigenous Peoples Day, and every day, is an opportunity for us to learn about and to recognize and celebrate these diverse contributions.

Each year this day also serves as a reminder for us to reflect on the profound resilience and enduring heritage of Indigenous peoples, and it encourages us to recommit to the fundamental, ongoing, and living Treaty relationships. We share a joint responsibility to work towards reconciliation, justice, and equality. Let us make a sincere commitment to do whatever we can so that every person in our communities is able to thrive.

As His Majesty the King’s representative in Alberta, I offer my heartfelt thanks to all who dedicate themselves to preserving Indigenous history and wisdom. I also extend my profound gratitude to the Indigenous leaders, Elders, knowledge keepers and community members who have generously shared their experiences and friendship with me as I continue my own journey of learning.


Her Honour, the Honourable Salma Lakhani, AOE, BSc, LLD (hon)

Lieutenant Governor of Alberta

June 21, 2024