

Located in the Legislature Building, the suite and office of the Lieutenant Governor have been used by the Province's Lieutenant Governors since 1912. The Lieutenant Governor uses the office for official business on a regular basis. The suite is used to host courtesy calls from visiting dignitaries such as heads of state, ambassadors, government officials and, of course, members of the Royal Family. The Lieutenant Governor also hosts small receptions in the suite after official functions at the Legislature. In the past, it has also been used for the appointment and swearing-in of members of Cabinet. The suite includes a balcony that overlooks the north Legislature grounds.

The carved furniture found in the suite is original to the building. The carvings include crowns as well as lions, which are emblematic of royalty. The bookcase and table are a set and feature carvings in the style of the Italian Renaissance.

The Official Guest Book sits in a display case just inside the entrance to the suite. All visiting dignitaries and special guests of the Lieutenant Governor are invited to sign the book. The book dates back to the New Year's reception of 1935 and includes the signatures of Queen Elizabeth II, all of her children, all of the Governor-Generals of Canada since 1935, King Hussein of Jordan, Queen Marguerite of Denmark, and many others. The special pages inserted for guests of honour feature unique calligraphy and artwork that reflect heraldic traditions.