As the images of devastation are beginning to emerge from Jasper National Park, my heart goes out to everyone impacted by the wildfires. The destruction and uncertainty you are facing is unimaginable, but please know that all Albertans stand with you during this challenging time.

I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to the firefighters and first responders currently on scene and those from both near and far who are on their way to join in the efforts to battle the wildfires. To the officials actively involved in this disaster, I truly appreciate your leadership during this time of crisis. Thank you to all the volunteers at evacuation centres both in Alberta and British Columbia for assisting the thousands who have fled – your commitment to helping others provides much needed hope and support.

As we navigate through this difficult time, please remember as resilient Albertans we are in this together, and together we will once again welcome the world back to the crown jewel of the Canadian Rockies.


Her Honour, the Honourable Salma Lakhani, AOE, BSc, LLD (hon)

Lieutenant Governor of Alberta

July 25, 2024