It is estimated that one in five children in Canada live in poverty. We also know that the pandemic has resulted in increased mental and emotional pressures for children, as well as food and housing insecurity for many families. National Child Day reminds us of the barriers to success faced by children in our communities, while also shining a light on the infinite possibilities that reside within every child.

I know that there are remarkable citizens across our province and country who are working to lift up families in need, and to ensure that children receive the care, support and resources that will help them to flourish. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to the countless people in our communities who play a role in shaping our children’s futures for the better, from teachers, health professionals and child care workers to community volunteers, advocates, coaches and mentors. I also offer my love and encouragement to the guardians, parents and extended family members among us who are caring for young ones. Together, our collective efforts are fostering the brightest possible future for our children, and nothing could be more important than that.

Her Honour, the Honourable Salma Lakhani AOE, B.Sc., LLD (hon)

Lieutenant Governor of Alberta

November 20, 2021